Post COVID Sessions

Wow, this has certainly be a first for all of us. A worldwide pandemic, bringing everything in life to a screeching halt. Forced to remain at home, everything cancelled, schooling all done online, jobs on hold, running out of essentials at the store. Who knew that when we were complaining about January feeling so terribly long, that March and April would feel even longer. Since my business wasn’t deemed essential by our state (and I totally agree), I’ve had to shut everything down for the duration of the “Stay At Home” order.

The good news, things are starting to change. Based on the COVID “Stay At Home” order in my county, I can safely resume my photography services beginning on Saturday, May 9th. What does that look like and how do I plan to keep you and your family safe?

Keeping You Safe

Your family’s safety, and mine, are a priority to me. If you choose to work with me during this time, here is how that looks:

  • I will wear a proper face mask during our time together.
  • I will remain at a safe distance from you and your family. At least the recommended 6 feet.
  • I will NOT be photographing groups of more than 10 during any given session.
  • I will make sure myself and my equipment are properly sanitized at all times.
  • I will NOT schedule back to back sessions.
  • I will be encouraging families to consider having their sessions take place at or inside their homes, as opposed to busy public locations.

The Sessions

Session affordability is another issue I’ve been wrestling with. Our economy is going to take a hit from this pandemic, and my small business is experiencing that first hand. I know many of you are also experiencing the financial strain and for that reason I’m creating an “Anytime” Summer Mini session that can be pre-purchased for families to use between May 16, 2020 and August 1, 2020. This gives the opportunity to support my small business without being a financial strain, but also gives scheduling flexibility as we slowly return to normal. Those details will be released to my email list first. Make sure you’re a part of that list today!

I desperately want to get back to doing what I love. My heart has been touched by those of you that have reached out to see when I’d be shooting again. I’m so very thankful that you’d even think of me during a time like this. My soul longs to be uplifted by working with you and your family in the near future. Take heart! The end is in sight my friends!

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Hello, I'm Beth

I'm so happy you're here. I'm inspired by life's every day moments and capturing things just as they are. I would love to work with you!

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Real Life Photo Co.

is a Women run,

Denver, Colorado

school portrait company.

You can reach us at