A denver Colorado school portrait company

Why Do A School Portrait Pop-Up?

They happen twice a year! My school portrait pop-ups. But why should you consider taking advantage of this service?

Better Alternative

Not crazy about your current school portraits? Let me provide you with a better alternative. With school portrait pop-ups I offer a custom experience for all students who stand in front of my lens. This creates portraits that are unique to your student. It’s an artful way to capture them just as they are. You also get multiple poses in both color and black and white. A affordable service you can’t find from most traditional school portrait companies.

For ALL Schools

Over the past two years we’ve all seen the many alternative ways our children are able to learn. Maybe your student isn’t involved in a traditional school setting. That’s ok! School portrait pop-ups are a wonderful way to fill the gap when it comes to having an annual school photo taken of your child. And a wonderful way to ensure you still have school pictures to send to family and friends who enjoy watching them grow from year to year.

Matching Pictures

Did I take school portraits for one of your kids, but not the rest? Most families have students at different schools, resulting a in different style of school portraits for each child. The great thing about a school portrait pop-up experience is that you can get images of your other children that will all match. Not only that, but you’ll also have the opportunity to photograph your kids together. Check the Christmas card photos off on the to-do list!

Artful and Classic Photos

Just like any industry, the photography industry always carries a lot of trends. If you’re on Instagram at all, you know what I mean. There are all kinds of special editing styles out there! By using simple backdrops, I create clean, simple images of your child that are artful and classic. Pieces you can display in your home for years to come that will never feel outdated our out of style.

My school portrait pop-ups take place annually in the fall and spring. Be the first to learn about these special events by signing up for my email newsletter. And if your school is looking for an alternative to using a big box school photography company, let’s see if we can work together to take back school picture day.

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Hello, I'm Beth

I'm so happy you're here. I'm inspired by life's every day moments and capturing things just as they are. I would love to work with you!

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